Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Beware of scam!

This is not directly related to massage, health, or well-being...but I am going to stretch it a little bit and hope this saves a couple of people some headaches later! I got this email a few minutes ago and it was a new scam to me. Never saw this one before.... When I went checking on the internet I found that others had received it in various forms lately. So, its junk, delete it!

Dear CEO,

We are One Net Technology Limited which is the domain name register center in Asia. We mainly responsible for domain name registration and dispute. I have something need to confirm with you. On the September, 9, 2008, we received an application formally. One company named "M-Shop International Holdings Ltd" wanted to register following:

The domain names:
anahatamassage.cn anahatamassage.com.cn anahatamassage.com.tw anahatamassage.hk anahatamassage.net.cn anahatamassage.tw
and Internet brand:"Anahatamassage" through our body.
After our initial examination,we found that the domain names and Internet brand applied for registration are as same as your company's name and trademark.These days we are dealing with it, hope to get the affirmation of your company because that may relate to your intellectual property on internet. Now we have not finished the registration of M-Shop International Holdings Ltd yet, in order to deal with this issue better, please let someone in your company who is responsible for trademark or intellectual property rights contact us as soon as possible.
Best Regards,

Got a headache from Monday?

Self-Help: Reflexology for Headache Relief
In reflexology the fingers and toes correspond to the head, neck, and sinuses. When suffering from a headache you may find it helpful to work the fingers on both hands. This can be done by massaging the fingers or gently pinching or squeezing them. If you’d like, you can try “thumb walking” to work the points. To practice, hold your left hand palm side up in front of you (do this with the opposite hand if you are a lefty!). With your right hand place your thumb on top and your other fingers around the other side below. Pretend that your thumb is a caterpillar and that it is creeping across your hand like and inchworm. Here is a video on You Tube that gives a very nice demonstration of the technique. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fodggSIKBcc

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I’ve never had a massage before…

I’ve heard this from lots of folks over the years or “I’d love to get my mom a gift certificate, but I think she’d be too uncomfortable….”

This largest part of many fears is the fear of the unknown. I don’t know what to expect so I’ll let my imagination run wild for a bit and think of every possible horrible scenario I can. So, when it comes to getting a massage, add taking your clothes off and it pushes those fears to a whole new level.

I’d like to hopefully dispel some of those fears by educating you about what a massage appointment is like. Keep in mind that this is how one of my sessions goes. It is likely that this will be similar most places you go, but you may find some slight differences.

First, I’ll have you fill out a health history. Whoa! Why do you have to know all this stuff?!?! Don’t worry, I keep all your information private. And, there are certain conditions for which massage is not appropriate or for which slight modifications to technique need to be made. Some examples:

Fibromyalgia – in general, your therapist might want to limit the amount of pressure or trigger point work done during each session to avoid triggering a flare.

Pregnancy – there are reflex points, particularly around the feet, knees and ankles that can stimulate uterine contractions or induce labor. These points should be avoided to be on the safe side.

Conversely, there are conditions for which there are extremely beneficial massage techniques.

Constipation – gentle abdominal massage can help to promote regular bowel movements.

We’ll briefly discuss your health history and reason for seeking massage therapy. Are you there strictly for relaxation? Or are you looking to relieve tension in a specific area? I’ll ask if you want a full body massage or if you want me to spend the entire session or the area of tension. Too often I hear, “Oh, just do whatever you think…” Remember, this is YOUR time! You can pick and choose how much work you want on each area. It’s okay to be “bossy”. If you want 30 minutes on your back, 10 minutes on feet, and 20 minutes on your neck and shoulders, don’t be afraid to tell me. That way, I know that you are getting what you want out of the session. If you decide, part way through the session, “oh heck, just spend the rest of the time on my back” that’s just fine too!

Next, I’ll show you to the massage room to give you instructions. On my table I use a fitted sheet to cover the table, with a flat sheet on top, and a blanket on top of that for added warmth and privacy. I’ll ask you if you have any other questions before we begin. Here’s the scary part for many, taking your clothes off. I will give you any final instructions and then leave the room to allow you to get undressed privately. Keep in mind, you can remove as little or as much as you feel comfortable with. In general, most people will either remove everything or will leave their underwear on. Remember all the sheets and blankets. These will be used to keep you appropriately draped at ALL times. I only uncover the part that I am working on and I tuck the sheets securely so there is no chance of accidental exposure. For a great overview of massage draping, you can view this You Tube video. His draping methods are very similar to mine. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwML9VUUshw

During the massage I will check in with you from time to time to make sure that you are comfortable. Are you too warm? Too cold? Is the pressure too much? Not enough? Does the face rest need to move up or down? If there is anything else that you need to make you more comfortable, let me know. At the end of the massage, I will once again leave the room allowing you to get redressed in private.

Hopefully, this has reduced some of the fears surrounding massage. For me, and hopefully all massage therapists you encounter, privacy and respect are of paramount importance.